Short Film

源日影像 潮汐 劇情短片



Xiaohai, who was born in Xiaoliuqiu and Atai, a crew who regulary carrys supplies and docks there, have a rlationship that is unspeakable behind their brother-like interaction. However, Artay, who was married under pressure from his parents, never revealed to Xiaohai that he was married until his wife was about to give birth, and he had to end the relationship.
The moon observing the orbit pulls the waves, the boy’s childish dreams and the mature joke of the man, and in the sound of dull breath, they will receive an turmoil precarious tide all night.

— Credit List —

演員 Cast|李訓安、陳欣宏、蘇家弘
編劇/導演 Screenwriter/ Director|李彥勳
製片 Producer|蘇家弘
製作助理 Production Assistant|陳俊佑、拉芙拉納.巴力
場記 Continuity|張玉嬌
攝影 Photographer|黃聖鈞
攝影助理Camera Assistant|李承翰
燈光師 Gaffer|林劉禎
燈光助理 Best Boy|韓愍
美術 Art Designer|黃廸諾
美術助理 Art Assistant |黃維婷
錄音師 Sound Mixer|吳奕宏、鄭曉駿
收音師 Boom Operator|吳奕宏、鄭曉駿
聲音設計Sound Designer|鄭曉駿、吳奕宏
剪接 Editor|王士源
調光 Colorist|王士源
劇照師 Still Photographer|王士源